Home Articles Running engineering projects sustainably

Running engineering projects sustainably

A visual representation of: Running engineering projects sustainability
Bede ONeill, Business Development Consultant
Written by Bede O’Neill

Business Development Consultant

Running engineering projects sustainably

In this blog, I aim to show how we run projects in a sustainable way. This covers all ESG angles, from tackling economic inequality, equal opportunities, to fighting climate change.

As we are all becoming aware, the Social Value commitment within recent and future Government procurement actions has stimulated much debate and reflection on the impact organisations have on society. As an SME, we have always strived to create a positive impact at a local level and I’m pleased to say that we have long embraced and embedded aspects of Social Value within our work practises. Although a component of public procurement over the past decade, the implementation of measurable Social Value contributions such as job creation, environmental impact and more to Defence and Security public contracts has forced not only a reassessment of our approach, but an honest conversation as to whether we are playing our part enough.

In truth, as a business, Plextek were already on this Environmental Social Governance (ESG) journey. We have a long history of supporting local charities through variety of financial initiatives and had set up a number of internal working groups for ESG focus areas. Our green group focuses on reducing waste and improving sustainable practises and the diversity and inclusion group is responsible for informing and shaping our employee experience. We undertake an annual external carbon footprint audit to evaluate our performance. In the aftermath of the Covid19 pandemic, we heightened mental health awareness and committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst our employees. But it was the close inspection of the wider Social Value Model that warranted a reappraisal of how we actually approached the delivery of our business.

A successful approach to ESG in projects

We recently secured a contract with DE&S. A key component of our successful approach was the assembly of a supporting team of specialist companies so that collectively we could deliver a compelling and comprehensive technical solution. A key tenet of our stated approach to MoD was to minimise our impact on climate change when undertaking an activity relating to the delivery of this contract. Historically, our standard approach would have been for interactions with both the wider project team members and DE&S to be face to face, taking place at various premises around the UK. This would involve multiple car journeys, hotel stay overs and the general logistics (onsite/ offsite catering, admin etc) associated with these activities.

Our approach was to look at how we were to deliver the contract in a more sustainable way. Low hanging fruit such as the switch from face to face meetings to remote video conference were quickly established as default working practice. Existing initiatives such as focusing on minimising office waste through better recycling, promotion of E-Car use (through the provision of onsite charging) and our cycle to work scheme were given extra focus, as well as new initiatives to promote of environmental awareness throughout the project supply chain. Data sharing was conducted over secure networking sites with documentation content contribution from multiple parties, reviewed and agreed before release. These virtual “collaboration rooms” improved the efficiency of the project and minimised printed document waste.

Key to our success was the empowerment and accountability of the project members. The project manager was responsible for achieving the objectives with project engineers having sustainability targets. Performance Indicator Targets (PIT) were agreed with the DE&S team with reporting metrics reviewed at monthly progress meetings.

As a result, the securing of this contract has positively influenced our strategic aim of improving our environmental practices both internally and externally to help contribute and to build technologies for a smart future.

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Technology Platforms

Plextek's 'white-label' technology platforms allow you to accelerate product development, streamline efficiencies, and access our extensive R&D expertise to suit your project needs.

  • 01 Configurable mmWave Radar Module

    Plextek’s PLX-T60 platform enables rapid development and deployment of custom mmWave radar solutions at scale and pace

    Configurable mmWave Radar Module
  • 02 Configurable IoT Framework

    Plextek’s IoT framework enables rapid development and deployment of custom IoT solutions, particularly those requiring extended operation on battery power

    Configurable IoT Framework
  • 03 Ubiquitous Radar

    Plextek's Ubiquitous Radar will detect returns from many directions simultaneously and accurately, differentiating between drones and birds, and even determining the size and type of drone

    Ubiquitous Radar
An artistic impression of the CLEAR mission. © ClearSpace
Pioneering Advanced In-Orbit Servicing

Pioneering a ground-breaking collaboration in advanced in-orbit servicing, setting new benchmarks for space debris removal and satellite maintenance.

Evolving silicon choices in the AI age
Evolving silicon choices in the AI age

How do you choose? We explore the complexities and evolution of processing silicon choices in the AI era, from CPUs and GPUs to the rise of TPUs and NPUs for efficient artificial intelligence model implementation.

A visual representation of: SSL The Revolution Will Not Be Supervised
SSL: The Revolution Will Not Be Supervised

Exploring the cutting-edge possibilities of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) in machine learning architectures, revealing new potential for automatic feature learning without labelled datasets in niche and under-represented domains.

Unlocking the mysteries of imaging radar data processing

Looking deeper into the cutting edge of imaging radar data processing, where innovative techniques and practical applications combine to drive forward solutions.

A visual representation of: Advancing space technology solutions through innovation
Advancing space technology solutions through innovation

At the forefront of space technology innovation, we address complex engineering challenges in the sector, delivering low size, weight, and power solutions tailored for the harsh environment of space.

A visual representation of: A Programmer's Introduction to Processing Imaging Radar Data
A Programmer’s Introduction to Processing Imaging Radar Data

A practical guide for programmers on processing imaging radar data, featuring example Python code and a detailed exploration of a millimetre-wave radar's data processing pipeline.

Folded Antennas; An Important Point of Clarification

Exploring the essential nuances of folded antennas, ensuring precision and clarity in this critical aspect of RF engineering and design.

Revolutionising chronic pain management
Revolutionising chronic pain management

Fusing mmWave technology and healthcare innovation to devise a ground-breaking, non-invasive pain management solution, demonstrating our commitment to advancing healthtech.

Innovation Strategies in Times of Scarcity
Innovation Strategies in Times of Scarcity

In scenarios where scarcity reshapes the business landscape—where customers are limited or prohibited from accessing stores and bars, supply chains are fragmented, and financial instability is rampant—how can innovation move forward?

A visual representation of: Running engineering projects sustainability
Running engineering projects sustainably

Outlining how sustainable practices were integrated into engineering projects, covering all ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) aspects from reducing economic inequality to combating climate change.

A visual representation of: Using artificial intelligence to explore the biological world
Using Artificial Intelligence to Explore the Biological World

Harnessing AI's capabilities to decode protein folding, catalysing a leap in biological research and therapeutic innovation.

A visual representation of: Artificial Intelligence in the Big and Scary Real World
Artificial Intelligence in the Big and Scary Real World

Analysing the application of Artificial Intelligence in real-world scenarios, addressing its transformative potential and the ethical framework required for its deployment.

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an image of our technical paper
mmWave Imaging Radar

Camera systems are in widespread use as sensors that provide information about the surrounding environment. But this can struggle with image interpretation in complex scenarios. In contrast, mmWave radar technology offers a more straightforward view of the geometry and motion of objects, making it valuable for applications like autonomous vehicles, where radar aids in mapping surroundings and detecting obstacles. Radar’s ability to provide direct 3D location data and motion detection through Doppler effects is advantageous, though traditionally expensive and bulky. Advances in SiGe device integration are producing more compact and cost-effective radar solutions. Plextek aims to develop mm-wave radar prototypes that balance cost, size, weight, power, and real-time data processing for diverse applications, including autonomous vehicles, human-computer interfaces, transport systems, and building security.

an image of our technical paper
Low Cost Millimeter Wave Radio frequency Sensors

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an image of our technical paper
Metamaterial-Based Ku-Band Flat-Panel High-Grain

This technical paper by Dr. Rabbani and his team presents research on metamaterial-based, high-gain, flat-panel antennas for Ku-band satellite communications. The study focuses on leveraging the unique electromagnetic properties of metamaterials to enhance the performance of flat-panel antenna designs, aiming for compact structures with high gain and efficiency. The research outlines the design methodology involving multi-layer metasurfaces and leaky-wave antennas to achieve a compact antenna system with a realised gain greater than +20 dBi and an operational bandwidth of 200 MHz. Simulations results confirm the antenna's high efficiency and performance within the specified Ku-band frequency range. Significant findings include the antenna's potential for application in low-cost satellite communication systems and its capabilities for THz spectrum operations through design modifications. The paper provides a detailed technical roadmap of the design process, supported by diagrams, simulation results, and references to prior work in the field. This paper contributes to the advancement of antenna technology and metamaterial applications in satellite communications, offering valuable insights for researchers and professionals in telecommunications.

an image of our technical paper
The Kootwijk VLF Antenna: A Numerical Model

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an image of our technical paper
On the Radiation Resistance of Folded Antennas

This technical paper highlights the ambiguity in the antenna technical literature regarding the radiation resistance of folded antennas, such as the half-wave folded dipole (or quarter-wave folded monopole), electrically small self-resonant folded antennas and multiple-tuned antennas. The feed-point impedance of a folded antenna is increased over that of a single-element antenna but does this increase equate to an increase in the antenna’s radiation resistance or does the radiation resistance remain effectively the same and the increase in feed-point impedance is due to transformer action? Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, this study shows that the radiation resistance of a folded antenna is effectively the same as its single-element counterpart. This technical paper serves as an important point of clarification in the field of folded antennas. It also showcases Plextek's expertise in antenna theory and technologies. Practitioners in the antenna design field will find valuable information in this paper, contributing to a deeper understanding of folded antennas.

an image of our technical paper
Analysis of Chilton Ionosonde Critical Frequency Measurements During Solar Cycle 23 in the Context of Midlatitude HF NVIS Frequency Predictions

This paper presents a comparison of Chilton ionosonde critical frequency measurements against vertical-incidence HF propagation predictions using ASAPS (Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System) and VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program). This analysis covers the time period from 1996 to 2010 (thereby covering solar cycle 23) and was carried out in the context of UK-centric near-vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) frequency predictions. Measured and predicted monthly median frequencies are compared, as are the upper and lower decile frequencies (10% and 90% respectively). The ASAPS basic MUF predictions generally agree with fxI (in lieu of fxF2) measurements, whereas those for VOACAP appear to be conservative for the Chilton ionosonde, particularly around solar maximum. Below ~4 MHz during winter nights around solar minimum, both ASAPS and VOACAP MUF predictions tend towards foF2, which is contrary to their underlying theory and requires further investigation. While VOACAP has greater errors at solar maximum, those for ASAPS increase at low or negative T-index values. Finally, VOACAP errors might be large when T-SSN exceeds ~15.

an image of our technical paper
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This paper presents the antenna G/T degradation incurred when communications systems use very inefficient receive antennas. This work is relevant when considering propagation predictions at HF (2-30 MHz), where it is commonly assumed that antennas are efficient/lossless and external noise dominates over internally generated noise at the receiver. Knowledge of the antenna G/T degradation enables correction of potentially optimistic HF predictions. Simple rules of-thumb are provided to identify scenarios when receive signal-to-noise ratios might be degraded.

an image of our technical paper
Frequency-Scanning Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Meanderline Antenna for Radar Applications at 60GHz

This paper describes the design and characterization of a frequency-scanning meanderline antenna for operation at 60 GHz. The design incorporates SIW techniques and slot radiating elements. The amplitude profile across the antenna aperture has been weighted to reduce sidelobe levels, which makes the design attractive for radar applications. Measured performance agrees with simulations, and the achieved beam profile and sidelobe levels are better than previously documented frequency-scanning designs at V and W bands.

an image of our technical paper
Comparison of Propagation Predictions and measurements for midlatitude High Frequency

Signal power measurements for a UK-based network of three beacon transmitters and five receiving stations operating on 5.290 MHz were taken over a 23 month period between May 2009 and March 2011, when solar flux levels were low. The median signal levels have been compared with monthly median signal level predictions generated using VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) and ASAPS (Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System) HF prediction software with the emphasis on the near-vertical incidence sky wave (NVIS) links. Low RMS differences between measurements and predictions for September, October, November, and also March were observed. However, during the spring and summer months (April to August), greater RMS differences were observed that were not well predicted by VOACAP and ASAPS and are attributed to sporadic E and, possibly, deviative absorption influences. Similarly,the measurements showed greater attenuation than was predicted for December, January, and February, consistent with the anomalously high absorption associated with the “winter anomaly.” The summer RMS differences were generally lower for VOACAP than for ASAPS. Conversely, those for ASAPS were lower during the winter for the NVIS links considered in this analysis at the recent low point of the solar cycle. It remains to be seen whether or not these trends in predicted and measured signal levels on 5.290 MHz continue to be observed through the complete solar cycle.

an image of our technical paper
On using the classical monopole for comparison with other electrically small self-resonant monopole antennas of equal height

This paper shows that the Q-factor and VSWR of a monopole are significantly lowered when made resonant by reactive loading (as is used in practice). Comparison with a self-resonant Koch fractal monopole of equal height gives similar values of VSWR and Q-factor. Thus, the various electrically small monopoles (self-resonant and reactively loaded) offer comparable performance when ideal and lossless. However, in selecting the optimum design, conductor losses and mechanical construction at the frequency of interest must be considered. In essence, a trade-off is necessary to obtain an efficient, electrically small antenna suitable for the application in hand.

an image of our technical paper
A Ku-Band, Low Sidelobe Waveguide Array Employing Radiating T Junctions

The design of a 16-element waveguide array employing radiating T-junctions that operates in the Ku band is described. Amplitude weighting results in low elevation sidelobe levels, while impedance matching provides a satisfactory VSWR, that are both achieved over a wide bandwidth (15.7-17.2 GHz). Simulation and measurement results, that agree very well, are presented. The design forms part of a 16 x 40 element waveguide array that achieves high gain and narrow beamwidths for use in an electronic-scanning radar system.

an image of our technical paper
A Wideband, 5-50+GHz Tapered-Slot Antenna For Use in Handheld Test Equipment

A lightweight, wideband tapered-slot antenna that uses an antipodal Vivaldi design and provides useable gain from ~5 GHz to in excess of 50 GHz is described. Simulations and measurements are presented that show excellent agreement. This antenna design is currently deployed in handheld test equipment.