Home Articles Unlocking the mysteries of imaging radar data processing

Unlocking the mysteries of imaging radar data processing

Dr Matthew Roberts, Lead Consultant
Written by Dr Matthew Roberts

Lead Consultant

Unlocking the mysteries of imaging radar data processing: an exploration

This article draws on the comprehensive guide “A Programmer’s Introduction to Processing Imaging Radar Data”, written by Matthew Roberts, Lead Consultant for Plextek.

The intricate dance of electromagnetic waves and their interaction with the environment forms the basis of radar technology, an essential tool in today’s technological arsenal. Radar systems, through their ability to sense distances and object characteristics, have found applications across numerous fields, from meteorology and automotive safety to military surveillance and air traffic control. Among the various types of radar systems, imaging radar stands out for its ability to not just detect objects but to provide some detail for the overall scene. For example, imaging radars allow you to ‘see’ the outline of a building, or even the layout of an office given a suitable configuration, providing invaluable insights into the observed scenes.

Introduction to imaging radar technology

Imaging radar operates by emitting electromagnetic waves and capturing their reflections from objects within its field-of-view.  Unlike conventional radar that provides specific information on detected objects such as distance, speed, and bearing, an imaging radar coherently processes the received signals to construct a two- or three-dimensional image of the target scene. This capability makes it immensely valuable for applications requiring detailed spatial awareness and object identification, such as satellite earth observation, autonomous vehicle navigation, and landscape mapping.

One significant advancement in imaging radar technology is the Frequency Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radar. FMCW radar offers advantages over pulsed-Doppler ranging techniques, particularly for short-range systems, where wideband systems can be realised to achieve fine resolution at millimetre-wave frequencies, making it well-suited for mobile applications and devices requiring continuous monitoring of surroundings. As a leading innovator in the field of electronics and communication technology, we developed a millimetre-wave radar demonstrator. This FMCW radar operates in the 60 GHz license-exempt band with state-of-the-art in electronically scanned radar systems.

The components of an imaging radar system

The heart of our imaging radar system lies in its clever architectural design, comprising four main components: a computer, a digitiser, a radio frequency (RF) front-end, and a waveguide horn antenna. The RF front-end is responsible for generating the millimetre-wave signals transmitted by the antenna and for demodulating the received signals. The digitiser, in turn, converts the analogue signals into their digital counterparts, making them suitable for computer processing. The antenna steers its main lobe as the frequency of the transmitted waveform changes. This setup allows the radar to swiftly scan its field-of-view without mechanical movement, relying instead on electronic scanning facilitated by changing the frequency of the transmitted waveforms.

Plextek’s Millimetre-Wave Radar Demonstrator

Imaging radar: RRI and raw data

In the world of imaging radar, the Ramp Repetition Interval (RRI) (equivalent to the pulse repetition frequency in pulsed radar systems) is a critical concept. The RRI refers to the period during which the FMCW radar’s transmit frequency is modulated. In FMCW ranging techniques, this is typically done by transmitting a linear chirp that incrementally rises at a prescribed rate (up-ramp) before being quickly reset (down-ramp) to its starting frequency. This modulation pattern is pivotal for defining the radar parameters such as range and Doppler resolution, frame rate, instrumented range, and mitigating against aliasing effects. The digitiser captures samples across several RRIs, forming a ‘frame’ of raw data that encodes the reflections from objects at different distances and angles.

Processing radar data: from raw echoes to clear images

The journey from raw radar data to a comprehensible image is a complex process involving several stages of signal processing. Initially, the raw, time-domain signal is transformed into its frequency-domain representation. This step is essential for identifying the unique ‘tones’ corresponding to different reflection distances in the captured radar signals. Subsequent processing stages focus on extracting useful information from the frequency-domain data, discarding irrelevant parts, and constructing visual representations that closely resemble the observed scene.

Visualisation and interpretation

Many modern radar systems are used for integration into automated systems, such as the monitoring and detection of drones, vehicles, and pedestrians. In these contexts, a radar provides a powerful sensor, though the value often lies not in the visual representation of data but in the functional application of the information gathered. Whilst visualisations serve as a bridge, translating the abstract radar data into plots for the users or developers—thereby building trust in the system or aiding in troubleshooting—many users look beyond these images. For instance, our Ubiquitous Radar (PLX-U16) offers a range of visualisations; yet the core demand from users is for succinct detection reports that can trigger immediate actions in other systems, such as directing a camera towards a detected object. The visualisation is not an end but a means to a broader capability: the practical, responsive action based on data interpretation.

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This video provides an example radar output, where a single visualisation is shown alongside the feed from a co-located video camera.

Challenges and future directions

Even with big improvements in radar technology and how we handle radar data, there are still some tough challenges. One major issue is dealing with the huge amount of data that advanced radar systems create. This requires powerful computers and sophisticated software to process all that information quickly. Another challenge is in interpreting radar data in complex scenarios. For example, a radar can be used to detect drones, but it could be confused by birds, vehicles, and other moving objects. Here, AI (Artificial Intelligence) comes in handy. It can help figure out what exactly the radar has detected, for example telling the difference between a bird and a drone. By teaching AI to identify these differences, radar systems become much more useful and easier to work with.

The future of imaging radar technology promises further advancements in processing speed and resolution. With continued innovation, imaging radar systems will play an increasingly prominent role in shaping the technological landscape, driving advancements in autonomous systems, environmental monitoring, and beyond.

Conclusion & further reading

Through the lens of our advanced millimetre-wave radar demonstrator, the guide illuminates the intricate processes involved in transforming raw radar echoes into detailed images of the world around us. As imaging radar technology continues to evolve, mastering the art of radar data processing will remain a key skill for engineers and developers working at the forefront of technological innovation.

For a full exploration, the guide “A Programmer’s Introduction to Processing Imaging Radar Data”, by Matthew Roberts, provides an invaluable resource for understanding the nuances of imaging radar data processing.

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Technical Papers

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mmWave Imaging Radar

Camera systems are in widespread use as sensors that provide information about the surrounding environment. But this can struggle with image interpretation in complex scenarios. In contrast, mmWave radar technology offers a more straightforward view of the geometry and motion of objects, making it valuable for applications like autonomous vehicles, where radar aids in mapping surroundings and detecting obstacles. Radar’s ability to provide direct 3D location data and motion detection through Doppler effects is advantageous, though traditionally expensive and bulky. Advances in SiGe device integration are producing more compact and cost-effective radar solutions. Plextek aims to develop mm-wave radar prototypes that balance cost, size, weight, power, and real-time data processing for diverse applications, including autonomous vehicles, human-computer interfaces, transport systems, and building security.

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Metamaterial-Based Ku-Band Flat-Panel High-Grain

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The Kootwijk VLF Antenna: A Numerical Model

A comprehensive analysis of the historical Kootwijk VLF (Very Low Frequency, which covers 3-30 kHz) antenna, including the development of a numerical model to gain insight into its operation. The Kootwijk VLF antenna played a significant role in long-range communication during the early 20th century. The paper addresses the challenge of accurately modelling this electrically small antenna due to limited historical technical information and its complex design. The main goal is to understand if the antenna’s radiation efficiency might explain why “results were disappointing” for the Kootwijk to Malabar (Indonesia) communications link. Through simulations and comparisons with historical records, the numerical model reveals that the Kootwijk VLF antenna had a low radiation efficiency – about 8.9% – for such a long-distance link. This work discusses additional loss mechanisms in the antenna system that might not have been considered previously, including increased transmission-line losses as a result of impedance mismatch, wires having a lower effective conductivity than copper and inductor quality factors being lower than expected. The study provides insights into key antenna parameters, such as the radiation pattern, the antenna’s quality factor, half-power bandwidth and effective height, as well as the radiated power level and the power lost through dissipation. This research presents the first documented numerical analysis of the Kootwijk VLF antenna and contributes to a better understanding of its historical performance. While the focus has been at VLF, this work can aid future modelling efforts for electrically small antennas at other frequency bands.

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On the Radiation Resistance of Folded Antennas

This technical paper highlights the ambiguity in the antenna technical literature regarding the radiation resistance of folded antennas, such as the half-wave folded dipole (or quarter-wave folded monopole), electrically small self-resonant folded antennas and multiple-tuned antennas. The feed-point impedance of a folded antenna is increased over that of a single-element antenna but does this increase equate to an increase in the antenna’s radiation resistance or does the radiation resistance remain effectively the same and the increase in feed-point impedance is due to transformer action? Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, this study shows that the radiation resistance of a folded antenna is effectively the same as its single-element counterpart. This technical paper serves as an important point of clarification in the field of folded antennas. It also showcases Plextek's expertise in antenna theory and technologies. Practitioners in the antenna design field will find valuable information in this paper, contributing to a deeper understanding of folded antennas.

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Analysis of Chilton Ionosonde Critical Frequency Measurements During Solar Cycle 23 in the Context of Midlatitude HF NVIS Frequency Predictions

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Antenna GT Degradation with Inefficient Receive Antenna at HF

This paper presents the antenna G/T degradation incurred when communications systems use very inefficient receive antennas. This work is relevant when considering propagation predictions at HF (2-30 MHz), where it is commonly assumed that antennas are efficient/lossless and external noise dominates over internally generated noise at the receiver. Knowledge of the antenna G/T degradation enables correction of potentially optimistic HF predictions. Simple rules of-thumb are provided to identify scenarios when receive signal-to-noise ratios might be degraded.

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Frequency-Scanning Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Meanderline Antenna for Radar Applications at 60GHz

This paper describes the design and characterization of a frequency-scanning meanderline antenna for operation at 60 GHz. The design incorporates SIW techniques and slot radiating elements. The amplitude profile across the antenna aperture has been weighted to reduce sidelobe levels, which makes the design attractive for radar applications. Measured performance agrees with simulations, and the achieved beam profile and sidelobe levels are better than previously documented frequency-scanning designs at V and W bands.

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Comparison of Propagation Predictions and measurements for midlatitude High Frequency

Signal power measurements for a UK-based network of three beacon transmitters and five receiving stations operating on 5.290 MHz were taken over a 23 month period between May 2009 and March 2011, when solar flux levels were low. The median signal levels have been compared with monthly median signal level predictions generated using VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) and ASAPS (Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System) HF prediction software with the emphasis on the near-vertical incidence sky wave (NVIS) links. Low RMS differences between measurements and predictions for September, October, November, and also March were observed. However, during the spring and summer months (April to August), greater RMS differences were observed that were not well predicted by VOACAP and ASAPS and are attributed to sporadic E and, possibly, deviative absorption influences. Similarly,the measurements showed greater attenuation than was predicted for December, January, and February, consistent with the anomalously high absorption associated with the “winter anomaly.” The summer RMS differences were generally lower for VOACAP than for ASAPS. Conversely, those for ASAPS were lower during the winter for the NVIS links considered in this analysis at the recent low point of the solar cycle. It remains to be seen whether or not these trends in predicted and measured signal levels on 5.290 MHz continue to be observed through the complete solar cycle.

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On using the classical monopole for comparison with other electrically small self-resonant monopole antennas of equal height

This paper shows that the Q-factor and VSWR of a monopole are significantly lowered when made resonant by reactive loading (as is used in practice). Comparison with a self-resonant Koch fractal monopole of equal height gives similar values of VSWR and Q-factor. Thus, the various electrically small monopoles (self-resonant and reactively loaded) offer comparable performance when ideal and lossless. However, in selecting the optimum design, conductor losses and mechanical construction at the frequency of interest must be considered. In essence, a trade-off is necessary to obtain an efficient, electrically small antenna suitable for the application in hand.

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A Ku-Band, Low Sidelobe Waveguide Array Employing Radiating T Junctions

The design of a 16-element waveguide array employing radiating T-junctions that operates in the Ku band is described. Amplitude weighting results in low elevation sidelobe levels, while impedance matching provides a satisfactory VSWR, that are both achieved over a wide bandwidth (15.7-17.2 GHz). Simulation and measurement results, that agree very well, are presented. The design forms part of a 16 x 40 element waveguide array that achieves high gain and narrow beamwidths for use in an electronic-scanning radar system.

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A Wideband, 5-50+GHz Tapered-Slot Antenna For Use in Handheld Test Equipment

A lightweight, wideband tapered-slot antenna that uses an antipodal Vivaldi design and provides useable gain from ~5 GHz to in excess of 50 GHz is described. Simulations and measurements are presented that show excellent agreement. This antenna design is currently deployed in handheld test equipment.